Indonesia is a vast country and consists of the islands. There are so many tribes and customs in Indonesia. This background gave birth to a remarkable diversity. There are thousands, maybe millions of cultural artifacts that are stored in the earth earth, ranging from dances, ornament, pattern cloth, musical instruments, folklore, music and songs, food and beverages, art show, product architecture, and so forth. This is an extraordinary wealth has been given by God Almighty to the State of Indonesia.
Today, we live in an era of globalization which is full of high competition. At this stage, the innovation becomes "fuel" economic growth. The high level of competition resulted in a global economy must continue to move looking for new innovations. The intensity of this competition to make the shift from "technology-based innovation" to "creativity-based innovation". traditional artefacts, which was originally considered a high economic value, be very valuable. This is what lies behind the theft, and claims patent State or Other Citizen elements of Indonesian cultural artifacts. Some Indonesian cultural artifacts that have been stolen, patented or claimed by other countries include:
- Batik from Java by Adidas
- Ancient manuscripts from Riau by the Government of Malaysia
- Ancient manuscripts from Western Sumetera by the Malaysian Government
- Ancient manuscripts from South Sulawesi by the Government of Malaysia
- Ancient manuscripts from Southeast Sulawesi by the Malaysian Government
- Rendang from the West by Person Sumetera WN Malaysia
- Sambal Plow from Central Java by the Dutch WN Person
- Makaroni from Riau by Dutch WN Person
- Pineapple Sambal from Riau by Dutch WN Person
- Tempe from Java by Some Foreign Companies
- Rasa Sayang song Sayange from the Moluccas by the Malaysian Government
- Reog Ponorogo dance from East Java by the Government of Malaysia
- Soleram songs from Riau by the Malaysian Government
- Song Injit-injit Ants from Jambi by the Malaysian Government
- Music Instrument Gamelan from Java by the Government of Malaysia
- Kuda Lumping dance from East Java by the Government of Malaysia
- Dance dishes from West Sumatra by the Government of Malaysia
- Parents of older songs Maluku by the Malaysian Government
- Lagu Anak Kambing I'm from the East Nusa Tenggara by the Malaysian Government
- Lagu Anak Kambing I'm from the East Nusa Tenggara by the Malaysian Government
- Garden Chairs With Carved Ornamental Typical of Jepara in Central Java by Person WN France
- Ornamental Carved Frames With Typical Jepara of Central Java by British WN Person
- Batik Parang Motifs from Yogyakarta by the Government of Malaysia
- Silver Design urges Suwarti from Bali by Person WN America
- Made Products Spices and Medicinal Plants Native Indonesia by Shiseido Co. Ltd.
- Pepper Mash Badik by the Malaysian Government
- Kopi Gayo from Aceh by multinational companies (MNC) Netherlands
- Kopi Toraja of South Sulawesi by Japanese companies
- Musik Indang Garinggiang River of West Sumatra by Malaysia
- Kain Ulos by Malaysia
- Angklung Music by the Malaysian Government
- Lagu JALI-Jali by the Government of Malaysia
- Tari Pendet from Bali by the Government of Malaysia